Misericordiam Misericordiam - Insomnia

Government psychosisPolice sirens replace alarm clocks
Chronic insomnia
puts a nation under hypnosis.
World war three started because of silence first
violence came second.
Only if you would have voiced your opinions
there would not have been a beginning
Thus no reason trying to find a way to end it
Charged with crimes never committed ones life cut short.
Yet another victim of minority report
Just because you pray on Sunday.
Does not mean you will be living by Monday
Encourage a heavy handed vocabulary.
(Because You need to know what is going on to actually face reality.This isn't a scare tactic persuasion through fear holds absolutely no merit.This is giving you a possible outcome that may unfold.There is always a way out you know.
(Promote intelligence)
For when the government expects you to pay the highest toll
you need to learn how to resist, refuse control.