Misericordiam Misericordiam - The Kay Razzle Extravaganza Presents...The Fingerbang Legshake

Social norms and the status quo take place of the very integrity from which my heart flows.

And I ask where did the music go? This is my one true love.

(I watch as interactions are replaced with transactions.)

To be fucked and raped. To be shipped and taped. Mass produced at the very expense of the original intentions.

(Concerned with market value and costs. In the process the message is lost. Id rather shake your hand. Id rather take a stand. Then to have someone sign my band.)

This could very well be the day the music died. It now lies in the gutter where profit should reside.

Music: the medium to release positive and negative energy which in turn brings positive energy.

to take a stand. to damn the man. To stop it and demand a change not a guarantee.

It is sad to see how music is turning.

But no one cares

There is no excuse because we live in a day and age where MTV doesn't even play music.